Eagleview Foundation Wins $10,000 Charter Planning Grant, IRS Approves Charitable Status
Some good news after a couple not so hopeful posts:
The St. Paul Foundation has awarded the foundation a $10,000 grant to be used for completing our charter school application. This means we'll be able to hire some help to design our curriculum and can reimburse volunteers for travel expenses to the Minnesota Department of Education's mandatory training.
If you haven't filed your 2006 taxes yet and made a contribution to the ECF from Oct. 4-Dec. 31. '06 go ahead and claim it as a charitable deduction. We have our IRS charitable status letter, also known as 501 (c) (3) determination in hand! Besides helping us solicit donations, being an officially recognized public charity means we can apply for many more grants. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all who contributed the first seed money we needed just to have enough to pay the fees for the process. Look for a direct mail campaign this summer.
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