Long Overdue Update
Sorry for taking so long to post any news about Eagleview. It's not that nothing has happened, too much was happening.
Here's a short list-
The school board voted to close Eagleview and sell the building to the Foundation for $1 and legal costs.
The Itasca Economic Development Corporation made two visits to town to help us plan for the building's future and coordinate economic development in the greater Squaw Lake area. Dr. Charan Wadhawan, Ph.D. a food scientist from the .Agricultural Utilization Research Institute in Crookston spoke with some entrepreneurs who want to bring new businesses to life in the school's commercial kitchen.
The Leech Lake Area Boys and Girls Club officially opened its Eagleview Unit on March 1st. The club is open from 3:00-7:00PM Monday-Friday. We have more children attending after school programming every day than are enrolled at Eagleview!
Attendance at this year's Perch Jerker and St. Urho's Day events was phenomenal. Much credit has to be given to Julie Hemphill, Foundation member, city clerk, and fire department member as well as Glen Heitland, fire department stalwart, who have been working hard to get notices out to area newspapers in time for events to make it onto the front page. Check out Putting on PURPLE and GREED for St. Urho from the Grand Rapids Herald Review, and don't forget to visit Eagleview CTCL Manager Jackie Schuemann's site for area news squawlakemn.com