Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Building Fund Gets Boost

Many thanks to Donald and Linda Bump of Max who renewed their membership in the foundation and made an additional contribution. Thanks to their generous donation of $100, and matching funds from anonymous donors, our building fund balance stands at $280.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Blandin Foundation Awards $14,000 to Eagleview CTC

The Blandin Foundation small grants committee approved the Eagleview Community Foundation's request for $14,000 this week. The grant will be used to buy 5 new computers and wireless routing equipment, and to continue Jackie Schuemann's employment as the center manager.

Our thanks go out to Blandin for its new committment to the Eagleview CTC, and to Operation Roundup and the Northland Foundation for their continued support. These philanthropic organizations make it possible for us to offer free Internet access and library services 15 hours a week.

CTC/Library Hours

Tuesday 3:00-7:00 PM
Thursday and Friday 4:00-7:00 PM
Saturday Noon-4:00 PM

Closed Thanksgiving, Thursday Nov. 22, and Christmas, Tuesday Dec. 25.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Building Fund Progresses, November Meeting Thursday

Ourbuilding fund drive has started off as a word of mouth, and blog, effort and received a boost from an anonymous donation of $25. With our previous anonymous pledges we now have $80. Not much you say? Don't forget we started with just $25 in dues and a donation from the fire department when the foundation was incorporated 13 months ago.

Don't forget the November Foundation meeting is Thursday night at 6:30PM in the Music Room at Eagleview School.