Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Official Grant Award Notification (Pending)

There is a lot of paperwork to be completed, and technical stuff to be done, but the Eagleview Youth Development Program is on the road to becoming a reality. We have received preliminary notification that the City/Foundation/Youth Division application mentioned in our last blog entry has been recommended for funding.

Watch this space for announcement of our official start date and a full description of all the programs that will be offered.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Eagleview a Finalist for Minnesota After School Grant

The City of Squaw Lake, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Youth Services Division, the S. Lake Local Indian Council and the Foundation applied as a consortium and made the list of 21 finalists, out of 241 initial applicants, for a Minnesota After School Learning Program grant.Click here to see the complete list of finalists and learn more about the grant program.

We hope to hear good news by the end of this week. If funded, the consortium will have a total of $107,000 to run the Eagleview Youth Development Program (YDP) for two years.